SmartAdmin Full Package When you buy SmartAdmin you will gain access to all the versions below!
Jquery AJAX version Includes SeedProject
AJAX version uses robust scripts to lazyload pages, components and plugins - it acts a single page app. Never
refresh your browser again!
It's built to run smoothly in all devices. Highly recommended for small scale projects as it is easily manageable.
Comes with a built in auto pageDestroy() function to destroy objects and take care of those nasty memory leaks!
AngularJS 1.5 & 2.0 versions Includes SeedProject & Lite Version
AngularJS 2.0 (complete rebuild) brings you a brand new version built from ground up using AngularCLI, Webpack and NPM package managers.
It is now packed with robust features, a RESTful API with JSON files and a file structure that is neat as a pin.
Under the hood the project is maintained via webpack. But this time you won't be messing with any kind of builder config - everything is configured already and works out of the box.
If you would like to switch from *css* to *SASS*/*LESS* or add some custom entry point, then you have to update your `angular-cli.json` with a single word.
HTML version gives you the flexibility to select the platform of your desire. Features clean and pure HTML5
validated codes, with no loss of design or UI integrity from other verions.
Over 56 HTML5 validated pages featuring rich and robust javascripts, CSS3 animations and custom plugins.
Perfect for build an app from scratch. Whether you wish to build this in .Net,
PHP, Django, Java or anyother platforms out there - the HTML version should be the ideal choise!
Please note : This demo is not currently available on our live site.
PHP/HTML version Includes SeedProject
We understand how frustrating and time consuming it can be writing your own classes. We are proud to introduce
SmartAdmin Php version (built with php 5.5), brining you the tools you need to create your project with ease. (Comes in two formats: HTML and AJAX)
Just to name a few of the custom classes available off the bat: datatable, widgets, button,
accordion and multiple SmartUI Classes.
Please click the link below to check out the list of our PHP classes. You will not be disappointed!
.Net Core 1.0 version Comes with MVC5, MVC6 RC1, Core 1.0 & SeedProjects
The MVC version of SmartAdmin finally brings this wonderful theme into the world of .NET. It uses the very latest version of ASP.NET Core 1.0.1 to showcase all of its great features. The MVC version comes complete with built-in ASP.NET Identity and bundling configured to ensure an even more streamlined user experience.
You can use this project as the basis or extend on-top of it using the familiar MVC structure without any concessions whatsoever! The project comes with a built-in customizable setting manager to toggle functionality on and off without writing any additional code!
Due to the recent update we needed to rebuild our server. Demo will be available soon!
We are very excited to announce that SmartAdmin's ReactJS 15.3 (updated) version is finally released.
We feel this will be a great leap for users who are trying to develop in the new trend for ReactJS. The current release also includes SeedProject along with compact bundles for you to start your project smoothly.
We welcome you to explore this brand new version and experience the theme hands-on!
We are thrilled about SmartAdmin's Rails version, for its long awaited released.
Rails has had a huge community for a while now, and SmartAdmin will take a new leap providing support for Rails. The version comes with Rails v2.3.1 and Ruby v5.0.0.1 (latest)
This application is bundled with the devise gem for authentication. This gem has been included as it is one of the most popular choices for authentication. Devise's log in page has been reskinned to match SmartAdmin own log in page, and to sirve as an example for devise users.