Graphs > Highchart Table

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jQuery HighchartTable

Convert your HTML data tables into fancy Highcharts graphs without any coding!
  • The HighchartTable plugin takes data and attributes from a table and parses them to simply create an Hightcharts chart
  • Control the graph dynamically and easily without any javascript
  • Builds automatically during page load, all you need to do is load the plugin
  • See the full documentation here
Column example
Month Sales Benefits Expenses Prediction
January 8000 2000 1000 9000
February 12000 3000 1300 10000
March 18000 4000 1240 11000
April 2000 -1000 -150 13000
May 500 -2500 1000 14000
June 600 -500 -500 15000
Column exampleSalesBenefitsExpensesPredictionJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune-5k0k5k10k15k20k
Line example
Month Sales Benefits
January 8000 2000
February 12000 3000
March 18000 4000
April 2000 -1000
May 500 -2500
Line exampleSalesBenefitsJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay-5k0k5k10k15k20k
Column + area example
Month Sales Benefits
January 8000 2000
February 12000 3000
March 18000 4000
April 2000 -1000
May 500 -2500
Column + area exampleSalesBenefitsJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay-5k0k5k10k15k20k
Layout Options
Clear Localstorage
Factory Reset
SmartAdmin Skins
Smart DefaultDark EleganceUltra LightGoogle SkinPixelSmash Glass MaterialDesign beta